Can dogs eat people food?

Can dogs eat people food?

How do you know what to feed your dog?  Is it the bag from the your local grocery store, the bag with the fancy label from chic pet boutique, or is it fresh ingredients from your fridge?

In general your dogs diet should be high in protein and low in carbohydrates and veggies, with the occasional snack of fresh fruit. If you want to continue feeding processed dog food to your pet I recommend wet over dry. Wet food has more nutrients and is less “cooked” than dry food. I think feeding dry food is fine on occasion, but feeding it daily can lead to a diet to high in grain, which is not natural for dogs. Regardless of if you are feeding wet or dry dog food, I highly encourage you to add some of your healthy breakfast and dinner into your dogs daily breakfast and dinner. HEALTHY human food is a great way to vary your dog’s diet and keep them happy, healthy, and peaceful. Here are some suggestions from our kitchen to yours:

Protein: There are many choices for healthy muscle and organ proteins.

  • Meat- ground grass fed beef, grass fed steak, pork, lamb, bison, organ meat once a week
  • Poultry- chicken, turkey
  • Fish- salmon, halibut, sole
  • Eggs- both yolk and whites

Carbs: Whole grains, brown rice, whole wheat pasta, barley, quinoa, and millet. Grains should be fed on a limited basis as they are not a natural food for carnivores. These carbohydrates ultimately metabolize to glucose (sugar) and carnivores were not meant to process large amounts of sugar. If at any point your pet develops chronic ear and/ or other skin problems it may be necessary to take them off grains completely. Consult with veterinarian about what the right protocol is for your dog.

Veggies: Raw veggies must be processed in a blender or food processor for our dogs to be able to absorb the nutrients easily. As a snack they can get a few raw veggies but veggies that have been lightly steamed and food processed are ideal when adding them to a meal. Carnivores (which is what our dogs are!) lack the enzyme needed to break down the cell walls of veggies. Processing the veggies breaks down the cell wall for them.  Some great veggies to add to your dogs daily diet are sweet potatoes, carrots, broccoli, green beans, zucchini, small amounts of rich leafy greens such as spinach and kale.

Fruits: In small quantities and served in snack like portions, fruits are a great addition. Many dogs like melon, blueberries, bananas, apples, and berries.

Dairy:  Dogs can have dairy, but just like people, they can experience lactose intolerance, so monitor how your dog processes different types of dairy. Many dogs enjoy a small dollop of cottage cheese or plain yogurt with their food or in a Kong. Small bite size pieces of cheddar cheese can make a great high value training treat. Dairy products should be given as a special snack and not every day.


  • Fish body oil (ie Salomon oil, I use Bravo salmon oil) provides Omega 6’s: usually give ½ tsp per 10 lbs of body weight but check directions
  • Cod liver oil (this is different than fish body oil) provides more Omega 3’s
  • Optional but common: Powdered kelp
The information in this article is not meant to replace advice from your veterinarian. Please consult with your vet regarding what foods would be best for your dog and make a smart informed decision. The information in this article has been gathered from many different canine nutrition books, information from my integrative veterinarian, and from my personal research as a doggie mom and professional dog trainer.

Excellent website:

Suggested reading:

Dr Pitcarin, Complete Guide to natural Health

8 Weeks to a Healthy Dog by Shawn Messonnier

Holistic Guide to a Healthy Dog by Volhard & Brown

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